Can your Will be contested?

A Will is a written declaration of how property is to be distributed upon the maker’s death, but can your Will be contested? Lawyers prepare Wills in accordance with strigent guidelines and procedures. Surely this means that your testamentary intentions…
What happens if I die without a Will?

If you die without a Will you could be leaving your loved ones with a lot more pain and heartache than just the grief of losing you. Protect your family from this unnecessary stress by ensuring that you have a…
What are the benefits of choosing a lawyer in Kadina?

People sometimes ask me why they should consider choosing a lawyer in Kadina, especially when they feel like their legal issues are very complex. I understand that some people have the perception that great expertise only lurks in the multi-storey…
Libby Bell tragedy opening our eyes to bullying at school

13-year-old Adelaide schoolgirl Libby Bell suffered bullying at school so deeply, she took her own life. Now the public is crying out for justice. But who is liable and what should I as a parent do should my child be…
Pulled over by police: What are your rights?

The flashing lights of a police car in your rear-view mirror have the unique effect of making even the most innocent and calm drivers feel worried about what is going to happen next, when they are pulled over by police.…
What do I need to make a Will?

What do I need to make a Will, is one of the most common questions we get from clients ahead of their appointment with us. So here is our guide to what documents you should gather and what questions you…
The farmer’s wife and the law

Being a farmer’s wife is not always easy or worry-free, but it offers a unique lifestyle and a wonderful environment in which to raise children. From breeding chickens to helping bale the hay, children learn the value of hard work, earning an…
I’ve been named as an Executor in a Will. Now what?

If you’ve been named as an Executor in a Will, chances are that this is a job that you are not looking forward to. Losing someone is hard enough, but having to face the practical reality of the matter once they…
Protecting children who are under 18: Advice from a lawyer

Chances are you’re a great parent providing everything your children need from day to day, so you’re probably confident you’re doing all you can in protecting your children who are under 18 years of age. But have you given them everything…
In trouble with the police? Here’s how your lawyer can help

Have you found yourself in trouble with the police? If so, it is important you seek our help immediately to get the best possible result achievable. Every day, people find themselves charged with crimes and placed in interview rooms with little…