Efficiency and value
Here is an overview of the fee structure at Mildwaters Byrth Lawyers & Conveyancers.
We pride ourselves on working effectively and efficiently for you, to provide you with great value for money legal and conveyancing services.
We charge for our legal work at our usual hourly rates for our senior and junior practitioners as follows:
Kylie Mildwaters: $510 per hour plus GST
Joel Byrth: $480 per hour plus GST
Eliza Taheny: $360 per hour plus GST
Our Clerks: $350 per hour plus GST
Legal fees are traditionally charged in 6 minute units which for our senior and junior practitioners are as follows:
Kylie Mildwaters: $51 per 6 minutes plus GST
Joel Byrth: $48 per 6 minutes plus GST
Eliza Taheny: $36 per 6 minutes plus GST
We take various measures to keep our fees as fair and reasonable as possible. These measures include:
- Running electronic files rather than paper ones as this reduces the time that we have to spend on your file because less paper means less typing, less checking and less work
- Each lawyer or conveyancer runs their own electronic files and have proficient keyboard skills which keep our overheads down as we don’t need as many administrative staff
- We email when we can instead of posting so postage costs are kept to a minimum
- Each lawyer or conveyancer is directly accessible through our phone system so we don’t need as many staff to manage communications which converts to reduced costs to clients
- We keep our knowledge up to date so that we can deal with your matter efficiently
- We only print documents when we have to which minimises the use and cost of paper and printer ink
- We reuse scrap paper so that we use as little paper as possible
We are very careful to keep our fees as reasonable as possible and practising with integrity for us means giving you value for money at all times. For this reason, prior to issuing our accounts, we conduct a review of the time spent on a matter and the costs to the client to ensure that our account is fair.
We have fixed fees on standard matters for which we can reasonably predict the amount of legal work required. Those fixed fee matters are listed below.
For matters that aren’t standard, we can sometimes give a fixed quote once we have details about the matter and what legal work is required. If you would like a fixed quote for our fees, please contact us so that we can obtain some details about your matter for the purposes of providing a quote.
There are some matters that we cannot quote because we are unable to determine how much work will be involved. For these matters, we will give you at least an estimate of what our fees will be.
For all matters where our fees will be $1,000 or more, we provide a document called our “Terms of Engagement” which sets out all relevant information about our costs and the other terms of us working with you.
Single Standard Will: $594
Single Power of Attorney or Advance Care Directive: $363
Single Standard Will package – including Standard Will, Power of Attorney and Advance Care Directive: $880
Couple Standard Wills: $1045
Couple Powers of Attorney or Advance Care Directives: $484
Couple Standard Wills, Powers of Attorney and/or Advance Care Directives: $1,375
Standard commercial shop lease: $726 (per party)
Standard farming lease: $726 (per party)
Standard property conveyancing: $858
Private contract and Form 1: $990
Divorce – where there are children under 18: $1,342
Divorce – where there is no child under 18: $1100
Where there are children under 18, the parties to the marriage must go to the Court hearing, or they must have a legal representative appear in Court for them. If our client requests that we engage a legal representative to appear in Court for them at the divorce hearing, there will be additional legal fees payable of between $220 and $385.
For all non-fixed fee matters, our fees are charged at our rates described above.
We will provide you with our best estimate of what our fees will be. The actual amount of our fees will be charged in accordance with the actual amount of work done on your matter.
If you are not happy with an account from us then you can:
- Request an itemised bill (if it is not itemised already)
- Discuss your concerns with us
- Have our costs adjudicated
- Apply to set aside our costs agreement
- Make a complaint to the Legal Profession Conduct Commissioner (if you believe there has been overcharging)
For more information about your rights, please read the fact sheet titled ‘Your Right to Challenge Legal Costs’ that is available here or at www.lawsocietysa.asn.au/PDF/EP_YourRights.pdf.

Let's Talk Today!
Contact us via email, or our online form and we will get in touch with you.