Moving House? Choose your conveyancer wisely

When you’re buying or selling real estate, your choice of conveyancer can be the difference between a smooth transition or being on the street at settlement. Choose Mildwaters Byrth Lawyers & Conveyancers and know that your transaction is in safe…
Marital Breakdown: Let us be your voice of clarity

Marital breakdown or the end of a de facto relationship can be emotionally demanding and legally intimidating. But with Mildwaters Byrth Lawyers & Conveyancers, you’ll have a voice of clarity and experience on your side. Marital breakdown: Where to start?…
Ageing Parents

Parents age, and being called upon to support ageing parents can take you by surprise. At Mildwaters Byrth Lawyers & Conveyancers, we’re here to help you get matters in order so you and your parents can have peace of mind…
Divorce and property settlement: Is everything just divided in half?

You may have heard the old wives’ tale that if you get divorced, both parties get half each in the property settlement. You may be pleased (or otherwise) to know that things aren’t quite as simple as that and that…
The hidden cost of a DIY Will kit: It can be thousands of dollars

You can buy a Will kit from your local newsagency or post office for about $20, follow the instructions and write your own Will. What the Will kit doesn’t tell you is that the hidden cost of doing your Will…
The 3-step process for dividing land

With subdivisions being the flavour of the moment, it’s important to remember three important steps you should follow when dividing land. Skipping or skimping on any of these steps will land you in hot water. So here is the Mildwaters…