Category Mid North Lawyers
Consumer rights for Christmas shopping

As the 25th of December rapidly approaches, we often find ourselves frantically trying to complete our last minute Christmas shopping. Now imagine this. You finish all your shopping by 10:30pm Christmas Eve and all presents are wrapped and under the…
Yorke Peninsula lawyers supporting local needs

Christmas is a time of year that we often take for granted. We often find ourselves consuming unimaginable amounts of food, giving and receiving presents and spending time with our love ones. However, this time of year also highlights the trials…
I’ve never been to a lawyer before: What should I expect?

For those that have never been to a lawyer before, it is hard to know what to expect. If you add a distressing life event to this uncertainty, seeing a lawyer can be a daunting prospect. Mildwaters Byrth Lawyers &…
What are the benefits of choosing a lawyer in Kadina?

People sometimes ask me why they should consider choosing a lawyer in Kadina, especially when they feel like their legal issues are very complex. I understand that some people have the perception that great expertise only lurks in the multi-storey…